Preference Shares

Preference Shares:- Preference Shares are those which carry preference over other classes of shares in the payment of dividend and repayment of capital at the time of winding up. Types of preference Shares:- Preference Shares can be broadly divided into. 1) Redeemable preference Shares. 2)irredeemable preference Shares 3) Cumulative preference Shares 4) Non - Cumulative preference Shares 5) Convertible preference Shares 6) Non - Convertible preference Shares 7) participating preference Shares. 8) Non - participating preference Shares Redeemable preference Shares:- These are the shares, the capital of which is refundable after a stipulated period. Irredeemablepreference Shares:- These are the shares, capital of which is not refunded during the life time of the company. Cumulative preference Shares:- These are the shares on which a fixed rat of dividend is paid out of the current or future profits. If in any year, the company doesn't pay the dividend wil...